Tuesday 7 May 2013

Track and location ideas

We will carry out this task within a group of four; our group will consist of Shelby Newstead, Naomi Oakley, Charlie Spall and Rory Catt.

The Track
For the task of creating a music video, our group has decided to use the song 'Heads will Roll' originally sung by the yeah, yeah yeahs. We chose this song as we all like the genre of music it belongs to, as well as this the lyrics within the song has given us a range of ideas to use within the video.
Main Locations
The majority of the music video will take place within horse stables owned by Shelby, we feel this will provide a good location with lots of potential which matches the track we have chosen. The track we have chosen has an eerie feel to it, we feel the horse stable would provide an excellent location and can be modified with props to enhance this feeling to provide an immersive video.
Another location, which we will use, will be a medium size woodland area also located near the stables. We wanted to continue eerie/spooky feeling that the track and stables provide. The woodland area at night will help to expand the locations we film in as well as to add to the theme we want in our music video.
The last location we have decided to use is a local graveyard situated near the previous two locations. We will this will be extremely well suited to the theme that we want to use and will provide a variety of good filming potential. We have many ideas, which we can use for this location, many of which include a variety of lighting and costume affects. 

Costumes and Props
In terms of costumes for the boys we want to continue the spooky/eerie feel that is created by the locations we are using and the chosen track. As well as wanting to keep track with this theme we also want to look fashionable and bold. In the majority of the scenes I and Rory will be wearing black suits with a plain white shirts. We feel this will again contribute to the image of dark and eerie that we are looking to pursue. In terms of the girl’s costumes they are choosing to wear stand out and bold clothing. They will wear a black dress with red lipstick. The red lipstick contrasts with the black to help the girls stand out. They will be consistent colours throughout the video. Red lipstick often signifies confidence and power, which is what we want to portray the girls in our videos as. Another prop, which we will use, are white facemasks, which the boys will wear. These will be an important prop, which will fit in well with the mysterious and spooky theme we wish to continue. We were inspired to carry forward this idea by watching a dance group called ‘The Jabbawockeez’ they to decide to wear white face masks during their performances and it gives a mysterious vibe to the performance, we decided this would be an excellent prop to use to improve the vibe of our music video. 

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