Tuesday 7 May 2013

Evaluation Question - How did you use media technologies In the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Media technology has been used through the creation of our media texts. the first point of which we used this type of technology was during the research for the creation of our music video. In order to gain a good understanding of other media texts then we used the internet or Web 2.0 to allow us to research other music videos and performances from bands of a similar genre. Once we had researched the different codes and conventions we were able to try and recreate these by using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign. By doing this we were able to gain a good understanding of how to create such conventions and use them when we come to the creation of our own music video and ancillary texts. This process eventually ended up turning into our planning stage as we were able to take the codes and conventions gathered in our research and use them with our knowledge of Adobe Photoshop to create drafts and templates for our Ancillary texts such as our digi-pak.

We made the most use of media technologies during the construction stage of our task. The music video which we created was done entirely using the iMovie program. This allowed our group to edit the clips that we had recorded previously and put them together along with the audio clip of the song we chose to cover. The editing stage of our music video was vital as we had to ensure that the video and music ran in sync with one another to create the professional feel that we was looking for. This technology also allowed us to make changes to the clips we had already recorded to help further the feel that we were trying to create. iMovie allowed us to darken any clips by adding shadow that we felt were not yet "creepy" enough to fit in with the theme of our video. We also changed the contrast of the clip with the girl and the horse in to make it brighter and make the whites bolder and more vibrant. This emphasises the feeling and message we were trying to get across that there is good inside of everyone. 

Another part of our construction task which used media technologies was the construction of our ancillary texts. Our digi-pak and advertisement poster were made entirely on adobe photoshop. This allowed us to create a large range of effects and help to replicate the theme of our music video and put it into the form of our digi-pak. For example the exterior of our album cover contains the image of the wolf from our music video behind the bars from within the stables, this helps to maintain the theme of the music video and thus strengthen the brand image. Another way in which we linked our ancillary texts to our music video was by using the image of the girl and the white horse on the inside of the album cover, once again conveying the message that everyone has good inside of them. We were able to once again control the brightness through adjusting the contrast in Photoshop. By using Adobe Photoshop we were able to replicate the image of the lips and teeth used in the band setting of our music video, this also helped to emphasise the brand image of our media texts and make them more recognisable.

An example of how we used Photoshop in the creation of our ancillary texts 

We were also able to use media technologies to in the evaluation stage of our music video. In order to gain a good understanding of how well our music video has been created we had to compare it to the music videos created by other groups in our class. We were able to view other music videos using iMovie and compare techniques that were used such as shadows, contrasts and editing pace. We were also able to compare Photoshop techniques in relation to our ancillary texts as Photoshop was used for the creation of all of these texts

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