Tuesday 7 May 2013

Evaluation question - How effective is the combination of your main products and ancillary texts?

How effective is the combination of your main products and ancillary texts?
As well as producing a music video our group also had to produce a range of ancillary texts. These texts included a Digi-pak to hold our cd and a advertisement poster. In order for these to be successful, they had to fit in with the theme and genre of our main product which was the music video. I feel that we met this criteria well and created a recognisable brand image by taking the codes and conventions used within not only real media horror related texts but our own codes and conventions. We feel that by using the same techniques and themes through the main product as well as the ancillary text it creates a consistent theme which helps to make the texts more professional as they fit in with one another.

Here above is the front cover of the digi-pak which our group has designed and created, this process was performed in Adobe Photoshop, which allowed us to perform and range of different techniques which help us to create a similar theme/style as our main product the music video. As well as using techniques such as shadow, contrast and layering we also used elements from our music video to ensure that it created a brand image that our audience would easily be able to recognise. From the front cover you can see that we used both a scene from the music video of the performers inside of the cage location, and we took this and put a layer over the top of this image and illustrated an image of the lips used as the band banner within our music video. We done this because once again we felt that it would provide a relevant yet unique way of creating a professional brand imagine, reminding audiences of the music video. 

Above is the back cover of the digi-pak which our group designed, once again with the back cover we wanted to keep the theme and brand image consistent. In order to do this we used a illustration of the wolf character used within the actual music video. You can see below how the back cover of the digi-pak looks very similar to the image below taken from our music video. We felt that this would be effective in making our audience recognise the character and generate more brand awareness. In order to make the back cover more unique and eye catching to our audiences we used Adobe Photoshop to adjust the image and create cartoon affect. As well as making the image more eye catching we also feel it added to the creepy theme as the metal bars of the cage appear older and almost appear to have a rusted texture. Along with the image used on the back cover of the digi-pak we also chose the text to match the cartoon effect added through photoshop. We feel that this works well with the colours and theme of our digi-pak.
Above is the inside section of our digi-pak. We felt that it was necessary for our group to continue with the theme used throughout our music video in order to make our ancillary texts consistent and profesional. In our music video there is a section where the young girl is seen with the horse, we used imovie to change the contrast of this section in order to make it brighter, giving the impression that there is good inside of everyone. We wanted to use this idea and use the inside of the digi-pak to contain the same theme of the horse and the girl. We feel that this helped to strengthen the brand awareness as well as the storyline of the video. In order to create the same feel as the video we darkened the edges of this text and made the inner section bright/light.

Another aspect on the inside of our digi-pak which may not be apparent at first glance is the heads will roll logo/banner which we created to use throughout our media texts. We decided to change the contrast and transparency of the logo using Photoshop in order for it to blend in with the inner image of the disk holder. When done this so that when our audiences removes the disk from the digi-pak they are reminded of both the music video as well as the brand image.

 This image above shows the final section of the Digi-pak. This section will be placed inside the the digi-pak and will hold the disk. We felt that in order to keep a consistent theme going throughout our work we wanted to make it similar to the other inside page that we have. To do this we decided to use a simple design which could be seen around the disk and the use of light, bright colours helps to emphasise the message our group was trying to convey, that inside everyone is some good/purity.                                                                  
A prop and location which we used within our video 

One of the locations used within our video as well as the band banner 
You can see from the two images above how we implemented elements of our music video into our ancillary texts by using a mixture of the band location as well as the group manner which was made and used throughout our work. 

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