Tuesday 7 May 2013

Evaluation question - In what ways does your media produce use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In what ways does your media producT use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

I feel that our music video has used, as well as developed forms and conventions of other music videos of a similar genre. During our research we look at a range of different music videos, we mainly looked at videos from the indie rock genre, however we also looked at other music videos which had a similar "Horror" theme that we were eager to create, an example of this was the music video for "Thriller" by Michael Jackson. 

To help convey the horror theme we used a range of different techniques throughout our video. The first of which is the lighting that we used. For the majority of the video we used dark lighting methods, which only lit up the character or prop we wanted the audience to focus on. We feel that this helped to create a creepy feel is it helped to keep the audience in suspension of what may be in the background of the shot.

The second factor which helped us use the forms and conventions of real media texts was the locations used within the filming process. we tried to ensure that these locations were similar to the ones used in other videos of the same genre and theme. One of the locations used was the woods outside of Shelby's house. This provided an area with lots of space which was also dark. the addition of the trees and low lighting from the camera also helped to emphasis the theme we was trying to create. Another location which we feel fitted the theme of our video well was the horse stables. As well as providing a good location for the set up of the band and the performance part of the video it also had an array of metal bars, giving a jail cell effect. This helped to create a feeling for whatever is performing inside of this area is possibly dangerous.

The props and costumes used within the video were another way in which we helped to convey the forms and conventions of other music videos. We wanted the costumes to fit in with our theme however, during the performance section of the video we also wanted the costumes to look more professional. This could be seen as challenging the the forms and conventions of traditional horror based music videos. Although this might be the case we feel that this would help to appeal to our target audience more efficiently. One prop which we feel stood out was the large dolls head, we tried to implement this into the filming of our video as it would related to the title of the song as well as the lyrics "heads will roll". This prop allowed us to create a more literal section of our video which i feel adds to the horror feel represented by our video.

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