Tuesday 7 May 2013

Planning ahead - storyboards

Planning ahead
Planning ahead was a key part in the production of our music video. it allowed us to plan and prepare our locations, this ment props could be put into place such as the band instruments and the decoration of the horse stables. An example of us planning ahead is when we research the permissions for filming activity such as our music video in a local cemetery. It turned out that we were unable to use this location unless we applied for permission, this however would take to long so we decided not to use this location.
By creating story boards we were able to plan out the performance and filming of our music video on paper as if it was a story. We were able to plot the main points of the video to ensure that we captured all what we originally planned to be in our story. By giving us a detailed outline of each part of the music video we were able to refer back to the storyboard after each section of filming had been completed. 

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