Tuesday 7 May 2013


We now as a group have many ideas on the costumes that we will use within our music video. We have tried to use costumes that will emphasise the theme that we are trying to create through our video. One idea we want to stick with in the creation of our music video is the wolf costume we spoke about in previous group discussions. 
An example of one of the costumes we plan to use
Here you can see a screenshot of one of the props/costumes we plan to use. we want to continue the scary/creepy theme which we started with the locations and song choice. We feel this costumer suits our idea well and can be used effectively. Although we are aiming for costumes to be creepy, we would also like them to have a smart, clean cut look to the ones used within the band member scenes. Smart shirts and bow ties are also seen as attractive or sexy from a female perspective, we feel this helps to convey a professional look and feel to our music video.

These images show what we plan our band members to wear during the music video, we feel this will add a smart professional look to our music whilst not taking any feeling away from our theme of being creepy and scary. These costumes consist of white long sleeve shirts, black trousers and bow ties. During our research we found that this is not a first as many other music videos have used this idea before, were they will mix smart well fitted outfits within a scary or mysterious theme.

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