Tuesday 7 May 2013

Evaluation Question - What have you learned from your audience feedback?

What have you learned from your audience feedback?
In order to gain a good level of audience feedback we compared our media product to those produced by other groups within our class. We all opened ip our work and slowly revolved around the class watching and reviewing the products made by each group. By doing this we were able to obtain an in depth level of audience feedback whilst being able to compare the codes and conventions from the range of different videos. Once completed we were then able to return to our own work and read through comments that other groups had left about our video, this gave us a good insight of what people thought about our video. All of the groups that reviewed our work commented on the way we had use codes and conventions to produce a horror theme throughout the video, this is a good sign as this was one of our main objectives when planning and filming the music video. Other group members also commented on the video saying that the choice of locations was effective in maintaining the theme throughout the video.

As well as a feedback sheet which other group members could fill in, we also had a class discussion where we talked about what we thought worked well with each video and what we thought could have been better. From this group discussion we noted down a a list of quotes in relation to our music video, these quotes are as follows:

  • "The choice of different locations helped to maintain the theme of the video"
  • "The use of lighting from scene to scene emphasises the creepy feel"
  • "the editing in relation to the video and the music track is of a high standard"
  • "Some parts of the video could of been filmed in higher quality"
  • "When filming some scenes the camera could of been placed in a more steady position"
In order to gain more audience feedback we assembled one of the other groups from our class, we then interviewed them, asking them questions on what they thought about our video. We filmed this process so that we could watch it back and take note of some of their answers. 

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