Tuesday 7 May 2013


There are a range of different location that we plan to film in. The majority of the music video will be taking place within horse stables, these will however be changed to suit the theme of our video and compliment the track. One part of the stables contains metal bars which we plan to film through. This will give a creepy/dangerous feel to the audience. This will be instantly recognisable through the use of the bars and darkness behind. The rest of the stables provides a good location for all of the band equipment allowing us sufficient space to film and perform. The stables will be decorated with signs with the logo that our group has come up with as well as lights to ensure that it provides a professional looking location to film in. As well as the stables we are also planning to film within woods located near the stables, these at night would greatly emphasise the creepy feeling we are trying to convey. This location would also provide us with a lot of room to film. When filming within this location there will be very little light, to compensate for this we must ensure that we take some kind of light source in case the camera can not pick up the group members well. it is also free from power points meaning that we must ensure that the filming camera is properly charged before filming commences. Although we wanted to film within a local graveyard, we are unable to as in order to do this we would have to apply for permission from the local council and this would take to long. i prance about like a girl

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